Why I Use MaxGen Labs For Genetic SNP Testing

Why I Use MaxGen Labs For Genetic SNP Testing

t’s amazing you can now discover what your individual genetic variations are for a very affordable price. This is a big change from 20 years ago, when it cost thousands to get your hands on this information. Companies are now scientifically advanced enough to run specific DNA sequences and give you valuable insight on how your unique genes may by affecting your health and fertility. You may have heard of the MTHFR variation, but have you heard of PEMT Or COMT? These are other examples of variations that can affect gut health and hormones.

As a physician, I clearly see the benefit of knowing these variations. I’ve used several companies, but my favorite is MaxGen Labs. They provide a comprehensive test that is easy to read, easy to refer back to, and has all the important markers I want to know about when looking into genetics.

The specific test is called MaxFunction, short for “maximizing function”. The test kit contains a simple cheek swab test that you complete either in clinic or at home and then mail back to the lab. The lab checks for specific genetic variations that are known to alter function in a particular protein in the body. Then the lab generates a detailed report that lists all your variations and the best way to address each one. You can see an example of the report here.


I first heard about SNPs 6 years ago, when the only way to find out what I had was to use 23andMe. However, 23andMe didn’t actually report the SNPs, only the raw DNA gene data. I had to use another website to upload my raw data and get a report. Using 23andMe is still a good option, but recently they’ve changed what they report on the raw data and many SNPs I consider important are no longer available. MaxFunction provides all the SNPs I like to see for optimal health and prevention.

The next reason is that, when you upload your raw data to other sites, it’s hard to know how secure your data is. I’ve done it enough times with my own data, I’m sure I’ll run into my own clone before I’m dead. I don’t wish this upon my own patients if I can help it.

Also, you may be totally against giving your DNA to any company, which totally makes sense! I like using MaxGen because they’ve committed to destroying all evidence of your DNA and results after you receive your report. Since your DNA doesn’t change, you don’t ever need to do the report again.

Another reason is the reports provided by other sites are hard to read and you need a physician who knows what they’re doing to interpret the findings. If you can’t understand the results, then what’s the point? MaxFunction is very user friendly. They give great explanations on each page and you can get really far with “maximizing function” on your own!


The test will tell you if you’re sensitive to or need to supplement with certain forms of:

  • B12
  • Folate
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin D
  • Fish Oil
  • Choline
  • Probiotics

And the report will help you understand:

  • Stress and how your body responds (fight-or-flight)
  • Antioxidant production and recycling in the body (Glutathione)
  • Estrogen metabolism
  • Detoxification process for hormones, chemicals, and heavy metals
  • Response to inflammation
  • Genetic expression and the repair of your DNA
  • Neurotransmitters and the balancing of brain chemistry
  • Energy and overall production
  • The repair of cells damaged by free radicals
  • This test contains MTHFR, COMT, CBS, MAOA, and many more methylation SNPs


I completed a report for myself and my infant daughter as well. Let me tell you, I’m so glad I did! For my daughter, I found that she’s also homozygous MTHFR C677T (thanks to her parents…sigh) and that she doesn’t make antioxidants very well. This was hard news to digest, as I know this will make her more susceptible to illness and chronic symptoms. However, I’m so happy to know now while she’s so young because I know what I can do to support her. I have more motivation to support her via diet and supplementation than I would have without this knowledge. I’m all for prevention, so I feel grateful that modern science has given me insight into her genes and weak points so that I can help prevent potential future struggles.


Genetic variations make us unique and also very complex. We’re not “one-size-fits-all” and testing can give you valuable insight on how your unique genes may by affecting your health.

MaxGen Labs provide a comprehensive test that is easy to read, easy to refer back to, and has all the important markers needed to make an informed decision on how to support your health now and long-term.

You’ll learn the how you can prevent future conditions you may be susceptible to, allowing you to customize your nutrient intake and lifestyle to your unique needs. Knowing what your weaknesses are can also help you stay motivated to live a healthy lifestyle.

4 Reasons To Use MaxFunction by MaxGen Labs:

  • Comprehensive report with the most relevant SNPs according to current research.
  • Your data is secure, not shared with 3rd parties, and is destroyed after your reported is completed.
  • Easy to read, user friendly report that can be referred back to as needed. Any doctor could help you utilize the info in the report, even without genetic expertise.
  • It’s affordable and you can order on your own without the need of a doctor.



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