What You Need to Know About Genes for Health and Preconception

What You Need to Know About Genes for Health and Preconception

Understanding how genes affect health has been all the rage in recent years, and for good reason. It’s essential to learn how your genes apply to your overall wellness and—if you are planning to conceive a child—your preconception journey.

This month, I’ll break down the following:

  • Epigenetics: An exciting new study that looks at how our genes interact with our internal and external environment.
  • MTHFR, PEMT, VDR: Three of the most common gene mutations that can influence fertility and pregnancy.
  • Carrier Screening: A type of genetic testing you and your partner can do to understand your future child’s risk for inherited diseases.


Genes are just segments of DNA. These DNA segments provide the instructions for creating proteins in the body that make us healthy. They are all rolled up into our chromosomes to make us who we are.

Our genes are responsible for the function of all of our cells and processes in the body. They also create individual physical characteristics, like hair color and eye color.

However, there is one thing to understand upfront: Genes do not determine the fate of our health in most cases.

Legitimate genetic diseases aside, our genes interact with our internal and external environment to create our level of health. So, what we choose to put in our bodies, our exposure to toxic chemicals, and our lifestyle all influence how our genes function.

Think of it this way: Our genes are like the blueprint of a house, and our environment is everything we put into that house. So, how the house looks and feels on the inside is based on our environment—not our genes.

Next week, we will dive into epigenetics, a new field of study that talks about how our diet, environment, and lifestyle affect our genes. I’ll also share more insight on MTHFR, PEMT, and VDR.

Do you want to dissect your genes a bit deeper? Book a NEW Patient Telemedicine Visit or NEW Patient Annual Wellness Exam with me here.


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