My Top 3 Hacks to Stay Consistent With Your Health Goals

My Top 3 Hacks to Stay Consistent With Your Health Goals

As an ND, I definitely know how easy it is to give a laundry list of things to do to a patient. As an everyday human, I also know how easy it is to get overwhelmed with how to do it all! Let’s be honest though, no one is “doing it all”, we’re just “doing our best”. And your best is defined by you, no one else. With that said, there are certain health “hacks” I found that helps me stay consistent with my health goals. These hacks will save you time and reduce overwhelm, leading to a more vibrant YOU!


I LOVE using smoothies in my treatment plans. You can pack in the nutrients, hide ingredients, and they serve as a great breakfast option! The problem is that it takes time to make every morning, especially if you have more than 5 ingredients. That can get old quick! I know many of my patients are gung ho for the first several weeks and then the enthusiasm wanes. This happens to me, and I’m sure it’s happened to you.

This is when I discovered that if I set aside time once a week, I can add all my smoothies ingredients together in seven different bowls (one for each day of the week), then add to individual baggies and put in the freezer. In the mornings, I take out one bag and add to the blender (Vitamix), add 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk, a good handful of spinach, and water to desired consistency. All in all, it takes me one minute to make the smoothie and another two minutes to clean it up. I put the smoothie in a travel cup and I’m off to work with my nutrient-dense, protein-packed breakfast!


Prepped once a week in individual baggies and stored in the freezer:

  • 1/3 cup wild blueberries (antioxidants)
  • 1/2 banana (for creaminess)
  • 1/4 cup raw hemp seeds (protein and healthy fats)
  • 1 Tb chia seeds (fiber and omegas)
  • 1 Tb flaxseeds (fiber, hormone balancing, and omegas)
  • 1 scoop Vegan Protein Vanilla Flavor by Innate Response Formulas (23 grams of protein)
  • 1 tsp spirulina (antioxidants, detoxifying nutrients)
  • 1 Tb dulse flakes (iodine, detoxifying nutrients)

Day of:

  • 1 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • 1 healthy handful of organic spinach leaves
  • Water to desired consistency


This hack will help immensely if you have supplements that you know will help you become healthier and happier, but you forget to take them every day!

I literally don’t know why it took me SO LONG to finally get a supplement organizer. I started using this one last year and it totally changed how consistant I am with my supplements. It’s also extremely convenient! I can throw in my purse and bring to work without having to dish out all my supplements for that day. Lastly, I love that I can see what I took and what I didn’t take. No more wondering, “did I take that already??”

Once a week I’ll put my supplements into the organizer. I’ll admit, when it’s time to reload, I’ve put it off a couple times. It ends in disaster though (or a well-deserved supplement break)! I forget to take more than half of my supplements. Once they’re reloaded again, I feel relieved that I don’t have to worry about it for another week!


I believe out of all-the-things that make up a healthy, thriving lifestyle, SLEEP is on the top of the list. It’s the king of messing everything else up if we don’t get this one right. You’ve been there right? You’re rocking the week, eating great, exercising, and then four days into it you decide to reward yourself with binge watching Bridgerton until after mid-night. The next morning you’re groggy and need an extra cup of coffee. You have no time or energy to exercise. Cravings increase and you decide to splurge on a refined-carb heavy lunch. Now you feel like taking an afternoon nap! And it keeps spiraling.

One of the best ways to stay on track with a treatment plan is to go to bed near the same time every night and wake around the same time. This includes weekends! Instead of binging Netflix at night, you’re better off binging in the morning, after a full night of restorative sleep!


  • Try to resist the “I deserve to relax and watch TV til late” trap. I recommend turning off the TV by 9:00pm. You definitely deserve some down-time after a long day, however try incorporating other ideas such as taking a bath with aromatherapy, meditation, yoga, or reading a non-digital book before bed.
  • Avoid exposure to flashing light boxes (phones, computers, tvs) at least one hour before bed or check out these blue-light blocking glasses *no affiliation, but I do own a pair!
  •  Keep your room as free of electronics as possible and/or put phone on airplane mode before sleep.
  • Avoid alcohol and sugar after dinner, which can disrupt blood sugar and make it more difficult to go to sleep or stay asleep.

Once your sleeping at least 7.5-8 hours a night, consistently, you’ll find that sticking with your other health goals throughout the day becomes much easier!

If you’re still feeling overwhelmed and/or unmotivated, you might need help focusing on mental health first. I can help you by giving you simple tools to start finding your spark again!



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